Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ultimate Reset


The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a three-phase program designed to do just that. Reset your body. No Starvation, No Sitting near a bathroom all day, just a deep, total health transformation. 

In just 21 Days, you'll take back your power. Bolster your health. Release what no longer serves you. And feel absolutely remarkable. 

Phase 1: Reclaim
During the first 7 days, you'll begin to alter your diet, slowly removing foods like red meat and dairy that put stress on your digestive system and tilt your body toward an acidic state. You'll also be introduced to four of the six supplements that make up the UR protocol. You will rehydrate your body and reactivate sluggish cell function, along with shifting your bodys pH level (level of acidity) back toward a healthier, alkaline state, and away from any excess acidity that can weaken your body's functions. Once your body has been primed, balances, and strengthened on a cellular level, it will be ready to continue the process of releasing accumulated toxins. 


Alkalinize: Maintains Alalinity. Helps neutralize excess acid in your system, and helping to promote a strong immune system and natural anti-inflammatory response, essential for great health. 
Optimize: Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions. Enzymes initiate millions of reactions within the body each moment. They are responsible for nearly every bodily function, including vision, reproduction, growth, and respiration, as well as the storage and release of energy. Without enzymes, life simply cant exist. 
Mineralize: Adds natural minerals needed by the body. Contains pure crystal salt, minimally processed and containing up to 70 natural minerals and elements. These elements are needed to promote stable pH, aid with the absorption of food particles through the digestive tract, regulate water content throughout the body, prevent muscle cramps, and help support cellular function. 
Soothe: Helps to enhance digestive health and support the reduction of inflammation. Contains aloe vera and curcumin. When taken internally it will help support the body's natural anti inflammatory response and soothingly cleanses the entire intestinal tract. 

This is my Week 1 on the Reset. I lost 4lbs and 6.5 inches. Stay tuned for weeks 2 & 3. In Week 1, the food was amazing. I wont lie, I thought I was going to starve. I was going from 5-6 small meals per day to 3 full meals and an optional snack. I personally chose the snack each day for 2 reasons: 1. My days are long at work and we eat late at night. 2. Because Shakeology is my staple and provides my body with loads of nutrients and vitamins that I didn't want to not have it. Plus its like a cheat, and my chocolate fix :P I did NOT starve, I was shocked how much food I was allowed.

Some food options Week 1 were: Eggs, toast, and kale with pine nuts. I had to skip the pine nuts for allergy reasons! Oats with yogurt, blueberries, and maple syrup, OR Fresh Fruit.

Lunch was a mix of Greek Salad, Lentil Lime Salad, Quinoa Salad and the list goes on!!!! The awesome part was its all laid out for me in my food guide~complete with all the recipes etc... that take less than 20 min to make. Ya'll know that's my kind of cooking!
Dinner was amazing as well. Proteins were still allowed so there were meat options (Salmon with potatoes and greens) bean options (Pinto beans and rice)

Lastly, after week 1 was through, I can honestly say my guts have NEVER felt better. I personally deal with food allergies and extreme bloating from gluten and most dairy. The bloating was gone by the morning of Day 2. I was sleeping amazing, my body felt more rested and I only had a withdrawal headache for about 1/2 a day! I can wait to see what Weeks 2 & 3 bring. Stay tuned!

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