Monday, September 28, 2015

Chalene Extreme-Month 1 BURN

I'm not going to lie, I was very hesitant to post this b/c I didn't see a HUGE difference. More than anything, I've noticed my arms getting a lot stronger and ALOT of non-scale victories that I will talk about. I was looking for something that wasn't so high impact. After awhile, your knees get sore and I figured it was time to switch it up a tad. I have workout ADD b/c I love all the programs but was dedicated to doing 90 days of Chalene Extreme. I <3 this program for so many reasons:
1). 30-40 minutes max (aint nobody got time for anything longer)
2). Its actually fun, and I look forward to it
3). I feel myself getting stronger and I am noticing many other things that I will talk about later
4). I love that there are only 2 cardio days :D I cant help it, who loves cardio...bahahahaha

Food: Lets talk about this for a second. I was first following the 21 Day Fix Nutrition Plan. And let me tell you, that plan is genius, but I noticed from the lifting I was hungry ALL the time! I actually had quite a few Woops meals due to the increased hunger (I usually allow 1/week). Since I focused a lot on cardio and only some lifting before, this was a change for me. Most people tend to give up there, but WHY? I needed to dial in and readjust. I am not perfect and I don't hold myself to those expectations, so I am now focusing on calories and making sure to get some extra protein in. I increased veggies and protein when I entered the PUSH phase (currently on Week 2).

Shakeology is a main staple in my diet as it gives me all of my daily vitamins (thank goodness for no more pills that do not digest properly), my daily serving of veggies, my probiotic, cuts my sugar cravings, and 1 quick and easy meal that I don't have to think about. Plus....I can make it taste like a Snickers Bar without the sugar and fat :P                                                                                                                                   
So to get to the stats that I know you all want. Results right? We all want them. And sadly, we want them faster than were willing to work for them. First and foremost, I am trusting the process. I know that there are "phases" for a reason....with LEAN being the last phase. BURN: Working on Muscular Endurance. PUSH: Working on strength, LEAN: focusing on leaning out! So I know there is "gains" these first 60 days.                                                                         

Before Chalene Extreme, I had major difficulties doing push ups. Even on my knees. For some reason my rotator cuff would go crazy and I would get major stiff necks and pulled muscles in my shoulders/neck anytime I did push-ups, or weighted lifts above my shoulders. Since I started with low weights (5lbs and increased each week) I am now able to do 5 toe push-ups, followed by several knee push-ups with no pain or pulled muscles. This to me is awesome progress! I feel I have had some gains in my thighs as well, my pants are a little snug there right now. I am confident with my nutrition being tweaked and once I enter the LEAN phase that this will all go away. I have increased energy, and I enjoy working out 5 days a week. Plus, I am thinking my arms and shoulders aren't looking too shabby for 30 days!                                       

Here is a sample of what my weekly workouts looked like in my first month.

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