Thursday, February 12, 2015

Peanut Butter & Strawberry Oatmeal

Thumbs Up Breakfast!!!! Besides Shakeology, Oatmeal is my next go to breakfast. In the winter months or when I just want something really warm and filling, this is my go to meal. 

What you'll need: (Fixers: 1 Yellow, 1/4 Purple, 1 Tsp)

1/2 cup of quick oats or steel cut oats
1/4 cup of strawberries cubed
1tsp Peanut Butter (2g sugar or less.... PB2 is a great option)

Make oats as directed. Add in peanut butter while hot to mix well..... if using PB2, you may need to add a few drops of water. Add in cut up strawberries! 

This is absolutely delicious and the right amount of protein and complex carbs. Start your morning right :) 

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