Sunday, February 8, 2015

Procrastination...And How I Beat It

Many people have a very hard time keeping with a fitness program and/or nutritious eating. The reason typically is 1 of a few things: 1). They don't have a WHY for doing it 2). They lack accountability and 3). They don't make time for it. A lot of people ask me all the time how I keep going, or why I am OBSESSED with working out. Let me clarify a few things, maybe it is an obsession I don't know.... I can tell you what I am obsessed with: waking up feeling good every morning, waking up healthy and starting my day right so that my mind is clear before the negativity seeps in, my family and keeping up with the active lifestyle that we all entail with children. In our lives, its so easy to get wrapped up in taking kids here and there and we are flat out exhausted every night, rightfully so. I was just like many of you wondering about how to beat procrastination... well, this is how I overcame it. This is 100% how it happened for me. You've heard it before and you will hear it several more times because it is the truth:

1). I joined a Challenge Group. I failed several times in these groups quitting or not keeping up with my wkouts b/c I was busy and had EVERY excuse in the book. My Coach and my fellow Challengers checked in on me, and kept me inspired whether I chose at that moment to accept it or not. They never gave up on ME.

2). After I made the decision to commit and change my life, I wrote out my WHY and my GOALS. My WHY was bigger than anything. I wanted to be able to run my kids rampid without being exhausted. I wanted to be the Mom my Mom was to me. I wanted to be someone my kids were proud of. Not by shape or size, but that I was FUN and could keep up with them. I didn't want to be the parent to come home from work BURNED out and sit on the couch wishing I had the energy to play with my kids. I wanted to plain and simple feel good. And the carbs, junk food, and everything else shoveling in was not making
me feel good. Nor was I setting the best example for my children.

3). I wasn't finding time to workout. I had to MAKE time. I am a scheduler and write everything down. I swear I think I will forget to do laundry if I don't write it down ;) My friends know my crazy notebook I carry with me..... but it works for me. Every morning I write down that I workout. It gets done, the alarm is set for early in the morning, and I have an accountability partner that I text in the morning to say my hiney is up and moving! It works...... Now there are times I hit snooze, not often but times. I use that accountability partner to text at night saying OK I got it in and I have my Challenge Group to check in every night real quick saying how I did. Don't find time, MAKE time. You make time to eat, you make time to work, you make time for all sorts of things right? Make time for yourself. Its 30 minutes.

Now I know you can say easier said then done. It truly is up to you to make the first choice, that first decision that you are done and you are ready to make that change. That's the one thing I love about my job as a coach, once you make that decision, you have me to help you get started and to keep you accountable for as long as it takes! That is my MOJO and what keeps me going :) Whenever you ever need help or have a simple question, you can reach me at or Carley Bosker via FB.

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