Tuesday, November 11, 2014



This program is a stepping stone to YOUR fitness! It's easy, low impact, and ANYONE can get started with it. 

Have you heard of P90X?  I'm sure you have, EVERYONE has!!  But several people are too afraid to try it because it's intense!  Some people started it but never finished it because it was too difficult. Does this sound like you?  If so, you're in luck ;)

P90X changed the world of fitness!  P90X is extreme, it's hard, and it's not meant for any and all fitness levels.

SO, guess what!?! P90 (without the X) is an INTRODUCTION to fitness, to help you succeed and it's for ANY age, all levels!  ANYONE can do this!!!

You do not have to go to the EXTREME to get extreme results.

This program is for YOU if:
~You are afraid to try P90X or started it & never finished it because it was too difficult.
~You are wanting to get started with a workout for your first time. 

~You need something low impact

~You only have 30-40 minutes per day to workout

We will measure your before stats, take pictures every 30 days, and most importantly provide all the support and help that you need to make it through the 90 day program! The best results will then be eligible to submit their results and pictures to be used on the next and first round of infomercial results from real customers!

Why is P90 Effective?Well P90 using a training system called sectional progression.  Tony eases you into a variety of cardio, strength, and stability moves that work the back, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, 
and legs—and every move helps strengthen and flatten the abs. These routines don’t get harder until you’re ready for the next challenge. Then, just when you’ve mastered those moves, he ups the ante a little more. These 10 new P90 workouts are arranged in 3 Progressive Phases. Each new phase of P90 is designed to gradually ease your body past its old limits. So after 30 days of P90, you’re leaner and more solid; after 60 days, you’re seeing muscles you’ve never noticed before; and by Day 90 you can finally have that lean, strong body you could once only dream about.

Who is P90 for?
Fitness rookies- those just wanting to get started.
People who used to be in shape but got side tracked over time
People with past injuries who want a low impact effective workout.
People who would like to do a Tony Horton workout but cannot go extreme.
Power 90 lovers- this is your new revamped, new moves version. 
People who have done P90X, X2 or X3 and want to maintain their results.

What's the benefits?
10 workouts on 4 DVDs :  Each of P90’s 3 progressive phases are designed to
gradually ease your body past its old limits. So after 30 days of P90, you’re leaner and more solid; after 60 days, you’re seeing muscles you’ve never noticed before, and by Day 90 you can finally have that lean, strong body you could once only dream about.  The workouts are anywhere from 25-40 minutes long.  

Simple Kitchen Nutrition Guide: No complicated shopping lists. No calorie counting.
Just everything you’ll need to put together 90 days of healthy meals you’ll love to eat.

4 Step Power Plan:   Do these four things on Day One, and you’ll dramatically
increase your chances of success. Think of them as Tony’s Golden Rules for getting AMAZING results.

Resistance Band:  Forget buying weights! You won’t believe all the ways Tony sculpts your body by adding this easy-to-carry tool to your moves. Looks simple . . . but it’s pure workout power!

6 Day Shred:  Want REAL results in a hurry? You won’t have to wait long with this FREE Bonus Gift. See why we call it the Fastest Body Transformation Ever Created!

90 Day Workout Calendar:  The secret behind P90 isn’t just the workouts—it’s doing them in the right order. Cross off every day as you get closer to the body you really want.

How Much Space do I need:  You only need enough space to step from side to side.

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